Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (2024)

Published by: Adina · Last modified: September 26, 2021 31 Comments

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Flavorful and tender rhubarb chicken, a savory rhubarb dish to celebrate spring. Tender chicken thighs and an amazing sweet and sour sauce.

Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (1)

Have you ever tried a savory rhubarb recipe? You definitely should! Start with this rhubarb chicken, once you had this, you will be willing to try anything made with rhubarb! Like, for instance, this chicken rhubarb curry, this rhubarb fish curry or this amazing rhubarb soup with omelet and bacon.

A rhubarb recipe again, I can't help it, I like it so much, and now is the time to eat it. In a few weeks, it will all be over... Of course, you can easily freeze it and enjoy it the whole year but still, I like it better fresh and eaten at the right time.

What can I say about this recipe? The sauce was unbelievable! I loved the tender chicken pieces inside and everything else, but the sauce was the killer. Actually I could have eaten the sauce as it was, just mopping it up with bread, and not really miss the chicken... A sweet and sour, spicy due to a large amount of black pepper, delightful sauce.

Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (2)

Tips for making the rhubarb sauce

  • You can use whole chicken quarters/legs, which you can divide at the joint.
  • Or you can buy already separated thighs and drumsticks.
  • I prefer to skin the chicken parts whenever making a stew or curry, I don't like the floppy skin.
  • When adding the black pepper to the sauce, start with 1 tablespoon of it, then add up to 2 tablespoons according to your taste.
  • I used about 1 ½ tablespoon and didn't find the sauce too hot, it was just right for me, and there was no complaint about it being too hot from the children either. It probably depends a lot on the sort of black pepper you use.
  • The chicken parts need to simmer very slowly for a longer time, about 1 ¼ hours. That will make them incredibly tender and flavorful.
Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (3)

Step by step

  • Slice the onions and the garlic.
  • Peel and chop the rhubarb. Use the peel to make Rhubarb Syrup, for instance.
  • Fry the meat parts on one side, turn and cook on the other side.
Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (4)
  • Fry the onions and the garlic.
  • Stir in the pepper and turmeric.
  • Add the tomatoes.
  • Now add the rhubarb, honey and lime juice.
Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (5)
  • Add the stock and stir well.
  • Return the meat to the pot.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Simmer, uncovered for 1 ¼ hour.
Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (6)


  • We had the rhubarb chicken with rice this time, but baguette or crusty white bread are also great for mopping up that delicious, sweet, and tangy rhubarb sauce.
Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (7)

More savory rhubarb recipes:

Rhubarb Soup - An easy to make soup – tangy, aromatic and topped with bacon omelet.

Chicken Green Curry - A very flavorsome chicken green curry coconut milk, raisins, and apples.

Rhubarb Fish Curry - A special kind of curry with fish, rhubarb and bananas. It might sound strange, but it really works.

Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (8)

Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (9)

Chicken with Rhubarb Sauce

Savory rhubarb chicken recipe to celebrate spring. Tender chicken thighs smothered in a delicious sweet and sour sauce.

4.47 from 65 votes

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Course: Main Dish

Cuisine: German

Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 2 hours hours

Total Time: 2 hours hours 20 minutes minutes

Servings: 4 -6

Calories: 414kcal

Author: Adina


  • 10 oz red onions
  • 5 large garlic cloves
  • 4 skinless chicken thighs
  • 4 skinless chicken drumsticks
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons roughly ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric
  • 1 can 400 g/ 14 oz chopped tomatoes
  • 5 tablespoons honey more to taste
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 lb rhubarb
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • fine sea salt


  • Preparations: Halve the red onions and slice them thinly. Slice the garlic cloves thinly as well. Skin the chicken and divide the chicken legs at the joint, if necessary. Clean and peel the rhubarb, then chop it into small pieces.

  • Fry chicken: Heat the olive oil in a thick-bottomed or nonstick pot and fry the chicken pieces until golden brown all over, about 5 minutes per side. Don't try to move the chicken pieces during the first 5 minutes, the meat will stick to the pan. Once it is browned, you will be able to turn it easily. Take them out of the pan and set aside.

  • Cook vegetables: Fry the onions and garlic without adding any extra oil to the pan for about 5 minutes, stirring often. Add a splash of water, if the onions start to stick. Add the pepper and turmeric and fry shortly while stirring all the time. Add the chopped tomatoes and let them cook for 2-3 minutes.

  • Simmer: Add the honey, lime juice, and chopped rhubarb. Return the chicken back to the pan and add the chicken stock. Bring to a boil, turn the heat down, and simmer on medium-low heat and uncovered for about 1 ¼ hour, stirring from time to time.

  • Adjust the taste with salt and maybe more honey or lime juice if you find that necessary.


Serving: 1/6 of the dish | Calories: 414kcal | Carbohydrates: 31g | Protein: 39g | Fat: 16g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 11g | Cholesterol: 178mg | Sodium: 490mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 20g

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More Our Favorite Chicken and Turkey Recipes

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Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (14)

Reader Interactions


  1. Ilona says

    Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (15)
    I love this recipe. I changed it a bit. I used less chicken stock and added 1 tablespoon of brown sugar along with maple syrup instead of honey. Next time I make it I might add a little ginger to it as well.


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Rhubarb Chicken (Savory Rhubarb Recipe) (2024)


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