History of the 2nd Mississippi Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War (2024)


April 30Finished organization at Corinth, MississippiMay 3Elected Colonel William C. Falkner, Lieutenant Colonel Bartley Barry Boone, Major David W. Humphreys, and Adjutant Lawson B. HovisMay 5-10Moved by rail to Lynchburg, Virginia in two sections, Companies A,C,D,F & I under Lt. Colonel Boone and Companies B,E,G,H & K under Colonel Falkner.May 10Camped at Camp Walker outside Lynchburg and mustered into Confederate States service for one year.May 17-18Ordered to Harpers Ferry with the 11th Mississippi Regiment and the 2nd Mississippi Battalion and moved to Strasburg, Virginia by rail.May 19-20Marched to Winchester, then moved by rail to Harpers Ferry. Camped on Bolivar Heights.May 23The Inspector General reported that the regiment was not happy with its flintlock smoothbore muskets, had a “slovenly and unsoldierlike appearance,” and had “come away from home without making proper preparation” for “almost every necesssity of clothing.”June 15Withdrew from Harpers Ferry with Johnston’s Army to Camp Johnston, near Winchester.June 16Moved to Bunker Hill and camped on Mill Creek.June 18Moved on the Valley Pike to Camp Bee at Winchester. Colonel Falkner was put in command of a brigade consisting of the regiment, the 11th Mississippi, the 4th Alabama and the 1st Tennessee.June 19General Bernard Bee took command of the brigade. Colonel Falkner returned to command of the regiment.June 28-29Moved by rail to Harpers Ferry. At Harpers Ferry the regiment burned railroad cars on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, then marched to Hallstown. It then returned by rail to Winchester.July 2-3Moved to Darkesville in an overnight march.July 7Returned to Winchester.July 18Ordered to support Beauregard at Manassas. The sick were left at Winchester and the regiment marched through Ashby’s Gap to Piedmont, where with two companies of the 11th Mississippi, and Generals Johnston and Bee it boarded a train for Manassas.July 20Arrived at Manassas about noon. The regiment was put in a supporting position behind McLean’s and Blackburn’s Fords on Bull Run.July 21
Battle of Manassas (Bull Run)

The regiment was sent to reinforce the endangered left flank. It arrived at the scene of the fighting around 11, crossing Young’s Branch and forming a defensive line that was supported by two batteries. Under heavy small arms and artillery fire that mortally wounded General Bee, the regiment fell back with heavy losses and reformed behind Jackson’s Brigade. It then joined Jackson in the attack on the Union batteries. Major Whiting gave the 2nd Mississippi credit for the capture of Rickett’s Federal Battery. The regiment lost 25 men killed, and 82 men wounded. Colonel Falkner and Sergeant Major John Blair were wounded, and Lieutenant Colonel Bartley Boone was captured.

July 23Moved to Camp Bee near Manassas Junction.July 25Moved to Camp Jones near Bristoe Station.September 18Moved to Camp Fisher near Dumfries.September 25Assigned to the Third Brigade of the Second Corps, Army of the Potomac commanded by General William Whiting.WinterThe regiment went into winter camp with the 11thMississippi at Dumfires.


January 31Lt. Colonel Boone resigned due to ill health,March 8Moved to Fredericksburg.April 21At Yorktown. The regiment reorganized and renenlisted for the duration of the war. Captain John M. Stone narrowly defeated Colonel Falkner for election to colonel. Major David W. Humphreys was elected to lieutenant colonel and Sergeant Major John Blair was elected major.May 10At RichmondMay 31-June 1
Battle of Seven Pines

The regiment was only lightly engaged, but Lieutenant D.H. Miller was killed.

mid-JuneSent with Whiting’s Division to temporarily reinforce Jackson’s Army of the Valley. Colonel Evander Law commanded the brigade while Whiting commanded the division.June 18Reached Strasburgend of JuneReturned to the Richmond areaJune 26
Battle of Mechanicsville

Marched from Ashland and rebuilt the bridge over the Totopotomoy but was ordered to bivouac and never joined the battle.

June 27
Cold Harbor (Gaines’ Farm)

Advanced through wood and swamps for an hour with Whiting’s Division, then charged and routed the Federal defenders, the division capturing 14 artillery pieces and the better part of a regiment. The regiment lost 21 men killed and 79 wounded.

June 28-30In reserve and not engaged.July 1
Battle of Malvern Hill

The regiment lost 1 man killed and 10 wounded from artillery fire without firing a shot in return.

Mid-JulyThe regiment with Whiting’s Division was transferred to Longstreet’s Command.July 26General Whiting on medical leave. Brigadier General John B. Hood took over command of the division.August 22Moved to Freeman’s Ford on the Rappahannock.August 28Moved through Thoroughfare GapAugust 29
Second Battle of Manassas

The regiment was on the left of the division line when it was attacked at sunset. The division counterattacked, and Law’s Brigade captured three Federal colors and a piece of artillery. The regiment “became entangled” with the 33rd New York of King’s Division until the 1st Texas moved up in relief.

August 30
Second Battle of Manassas (day 2)

Advanced to Groveton, then attacked a Federal battery by Hogan’s House. In the two days of fighting at Manassas the regiment lost 9 men killed, including Captain George Latham and Lieutenant William Ralston, and 69 men wounded.

SeptemberMaryland CampaignSeptember 4Crossed the Potomac River into Maryland and camped near Frederick.September 14
Battle of South Mountain

Marched from Hagerstown to Turner’s Gap along the National Road, arriving around 3 p.m. Launched a bayonet attack to turn back Federal troops who were forcing the pass.

September 15Withdrew to a position behind Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg. Hood’s Division acted as the rearguard for the army.September 16Positioned near the Dunker Church. Threw back an enemy advance at dusk.September 17
Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam)

Attacked at dawn by Hooker’s Federal First Corps, Hood’s Division counterattacked in the cornfield. The regiment drove back the 6th Wisconsin and nearly captured six guns of a Federal battery that had been abandoned by their crews. The 2nd Mississippi lost 27 men killed and 127 wounded. The wounded included Colonel Stone, Lt. Colonel Humphreys and Major Blair. Lieutenant William C. Moody took command as the highest ranking unwounded officer.

From the first of two brigade tablets on the Antietam battlefield:

September 16, 1862.

On the evening of the 16th, Law’s Brigade advanced from the fields in front of the Dunkard Church to a position in the East Woods, on either side of the Smoketown Road, where it supported the skirmishers of Wofford’s Brigade in resisting the advance of Seymour’s Brigade.

The engagement ceased at dark. At 10 P. M. the Brigade was relieved by Trimble’s Brigade of Ewell’s Division, and withdrawn to the woods west of the Dunkard Church.

From the second brigade tablet:

September 17, 1862

Law’s Brigade advanced from the woods at the Dunkard Church at 7 A.M. and relieved Trimble’s Brigade across the Smoketown Road south of this point. Gradually gaining ground to the left, its center on the open ground and its right in the East Woods, it assisted in repulsing the advance of Ricketts’ Division, First Corps. Supported on the right by the 21st Georgia of Trimble’s Brigade and the 5th Texas of Wofford’s Brigade, it advanced to the northeast corner of Miller’s Cornfield and the woods adjacent, from which it was dislodged by the advance of the Twelfth Corps. It withdrew to the fields south of the Dunkard Church and was not again engaged.

September 19Recrossed the river to VirginiaNovember 17Moved to Richmond to join Davis’ Mississippi Brigade.December 15Arrived at Goldsboro, North Carolina


February 2Moved to Blackwater Bridge, VirginiaApril 8To Suffolk. Attached to Longstreet’s command for the Siege of SuffolkJune 3Moved to Fredericksburg and attached to Archer’s Brigade of Heth’s Division in the newly created Third Corps.June 15Began the march for the Shenandoah Valley which led to Pennsylvania.June 25Crossed the Potomac at ShepherdstownJune 30Camped near CashtownJuly 1
Battle of Gettysburg (day 1)

The regiment was commanded by Colonel John M. Stone and was in the second brigade in the line of march to move toward Gettysburg. They ran into Federal cavalry northwest of town and deployed into line of battle, slowly pushing forward until encountering Union infantry. Colonel Stone was wounded crossing a fence along the Chambersburg Pike and Lieutenant A.K. Roberts was killed trying to capture the flag of the 56th Pennsylvania. A Federal gun and limber was captured on the Chambersburg Pike. Every field officer but two became a casualty and Major Blair took command.

The regiment again moved forward in a flank attack, part of it advancing through the Railroad Cut that paralleled the Chambersburg Turnpike. But Federal troops charged the Cut and enfiladed the regiment. There was a vicious fight for the regiment’s colors. All of the color guard were killed or wounded, the colors themselves pierced a dozen times and the flagstaff hit and splintered. The flag was finally taken from Color Corporal William Murphy, who was in the process of ripping the flag from the shattered staff.

The fighting briefly ended as Major Blair handed his sword to Lieutenant Colonel Rufus Dawes of the 6th Wisconsin and surrendered 7 officers and 225 men of the 2nd Mississippi.

Later in the day a detachment of the regiment under Lieutenant A.K. Roberts captured the colors of the 149th Pennsylvania south of the Chambersburg Pike. Roberts was killed. Private Henry McPherson, who had taken the Federal colors back to the safety of the Confederate lines amid heavy Federal fire, turned down the offer of a promotion to take the place of Lieutenant Roberts, choosing instead a furlough.

July 2
Battle of Gettysburg (day 2)

The badly battered and reduced regiment spent the day in reserve, collecting discarded weapons from the battlefield. Men of the 2nd who had been detached as wagon guards arrived at the end of the day, boosting the depleted numbers.

July 3
Battle of Gettysburg (day 3)

Sixty survivors of the regiment took part in Pickett’s Charge, led by Lt. Colonel Humphreys. Only one man made it back from the charge unwounded.

The official casualties for the regiment at Gettysburg list 56 men killed and 176 wounded, No mention is made of the large number of men captured at the Railroad Cut on July 1. Colonel Stone was wounded but would resume command of the regiment. Lt. Colonel Humphreys was killed, and Major Blair was captured. Captain John Buchanan was wounded and captured and Lieutenant Moody, who had commanded the regiment at Sharpsburg when all higher ranking officers had become casualties, was wounded in the leg and captured on July 3.

Major Blair, still a prisoner, was promoted to lieutenant colonel effective July 3 and Captain Buchanan of Company B, also still a prisoner, to major

July 6

Reached the Potomac to find that high water made the fords unusable. A defensive line was set up incorporating the wagoners, the sick and lightly wounded, which held off the probing Union cavalry. Three men were wounded, one mortally, and two captured.

July 14
Falling Waters

Heth’s Division served as rear guard at the Potomac ford, with the 2nd Mississippi anchoring the right flank of the line. Federal cavalry attacked the rear guard as the last Confederates were crossing the river to safety. The regiment lost two men killed, six men wounded, two of whom were captured, and twelve unwounded men were captured. The 2nd Mississippi thus took part in the opening and closing fights of the Gettysburg campaign, losing 85 to 90 percent of its strength.

Bristoe Station

The regiment lost 8 men killed, 38 wounded and 2 missing.


Mine Run Campaign

DecemberWintered in camp near Orange Court House


MarchLieutenant Colonel Blair and Major Buchanan were exchanged and returned to the regiment.MayGeneral Davis was absent on sick leave as Grant opened the 1864 campaign. Colonel Stone took command of the brigade as senior colonel, and Captain J.H. Buchanan commanded the regiment. (Captain Thomas Crawford is also reported as commanding the regiment during the battle.)May-June

The Overland Campaign

In the month of fighting between the Wilderness and Cold Harbor the 2nd Mississippi would lose 24 men killed and 107 wounded.

May 5
Battle of the Wilderness (First Day)

Moved up the Orange Plank Road to meet Federal forces moving through the wilderness. The regiment was on the left of Heth’s Division, north of the Plank Road, and held off a series of attacks by Hanco*ck’s Federal Second Corps. The brigade was relieved at dusk by Thomas’ Brigade of Wilcox’s Division and moved south of the Plank Road.

May 6
Battle of the Wilderness (Second Day)

The Federal pre-dawn attack broke the Confederate line and swept away most of the rest of Heth’s Division, but the 2nd, 11th, 29th and 42nd Mississippi held the line for two hours until Longstreet’s reinforcements reached the battlefield and launched a counterattack. The brigade reformed and attacked when Longstreet was wounded and his attack stalled. It pushed back Federals threatening an Alabama brigade, then built and defended a log barricade until withdrawn to Lee’s defensive line.

May 7The brigade remained on the battlefield to bury the dead while Lee moved to Spotsylvania.May 10
Battle of Talley’s Mill (Beaver Dam Station)
May 10-21
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

The regiment was positioned on the east side of the Confederate lines, successfully fighting off attacks by Burnside’s Ninth Corps.

May 23-26
North Anna

Repelled a Federal demonstration at Jericho Ford

June 3
Battle of Cold Harbor

Stationed on the far left of the Confederate line near Bethesda Church.

June 1864-
April 1865
Siege of Petersburg
June 3-18The regiment remained north of the James River with the rest of the Third Corps until Lee established that Grant really had shifted his entire army to Petersburg.August 18
Weldon Railroad (Ream’s Station)

Marched three miles in intense heat to counterattack Federal forces that had seized the vital railroad line. The brigade formed on the west side of the railroad and attacked southward, driving two lines of Federals until reaching the main enemy line which badly outnumbered the Confederates and was reinforced with artillery. The Confederates broke off the attack and dug in. Major Buchanan was wounded in the hand.

August 19
Weldon Railroad (Globe Tavern)

Davis’ Brigade attacked what was thought to be weakened Federal defenses but were thrown back, leaving the Federals in possession of the Weldon Railroad. The regiment lost 5 men killed and 31 wounded in the two day battle. Lieutenant Colonel Blair, Major J.H. Buchanan and Lieutenant Story were wounded.

September 13Captain Walker was killed by a sharpshooter while he, Colonel Stone and General Lee were inspecting the lines.SeptemberA.I.P. Varin of the 2nd Mississippi wrotein his diary,“…the enemy frequently shoot very large shells into Petersburg & do some damage to buildings, but the people are getting used to it, so they don’t mind them…” The quote is used on the ‘Dictator’ wayside marker in the Petersburg battlefield park.October 1Fort BrattonOctober 3
Squirrel Level Road (Jones’ Farm)

In a raging downpour Heth launched a number of uncoordinated attacks against what he mistakenly thought was a hanging Federal flank. The attacks were beaten back by the well entrenched Federals, and the regiment lost 3 men killed, 25 wounded and 2 missing.

October 27
Hatcher’s Run (Burgess’ Mill)

The regiment helped turn back a flanking attack that attempted to seize Boydton Plank Road, losing 2 men killed.

WinterThe regiment wintered in the trenches six miles outside Petersburg.


January 8Colonel Stone left for Mississippi with a small detail to recruit and to return absentees to the regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Blair took command of the regiment.Stone would not return to Virginia. He made it back as far as Salisbury, North Carolina when Stoneman’s Federal cavalry raided the city. Stone organized his recruits and the local self defense forces in its defence but was outnumbered, surrounded and captured.January 16Major Buchanan resigned to assume his duties as sheriff of Tippah County.February 5-7
Hatcher’s Run

Lieutenant Colonel Blair was captured. Captain William P. Harvey of Company K was the last remaining captain in the regiment and took command.

FebruarySeveral companies of the regiment were consolidated over the winter due to their badly reduced numbers. The strength of the 2nd Mississippi was probably about 150 men.March 25
Fort Stedman

Supported Gordon’s attack on the fort with a demonstration at Hawks’ Farm

April 2
Hatcher’s Run

The Confederate defensive line collapsed after the defeat at Five Forks. The 2nd Mississippi was positioned near Burgess’ Mill near Hatcher’s Run. The regiment was trapped between the Union breakthrough and the Run, which was swollen by heavy rains and impassible. Most of the regiment was taken prisoner on the bank of Hatcher’s Run, although a few men attempted the swim. Before the 97 (or 99) survivors of the regiment surrendered, Private Nathaniel M. Bynum (one of five Bynum brothers in Company A) tore the colors from their staff and hid them under his coat.

April 9
Appomattox Court House

Surgeon James Holt, Quartermaster Sergeant J.M. Cayce and 18 enlisted men surrendered with Lee, probably all men who had been on detached duties from the regiment at the time of its capture.

History of the 2nd Mississippi Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War (2024)


What was the second regiment in Mississippi? ›

2nd Regiment, Mississippi Infantry

Overview: 2nd Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Corinth, Mississippi, in April, 1861, with men from Tishomingo, Tippah, Itawamba, and Pontotoc counties. Ordered to Harper's Ferry, Virginia, it was there mustered into Confederate service with 784 officers and men.

What was the regiment name that former slaves from Mississippi joined? ›

Soon after, African American volunteers were organized into infantry, artillery, and cavalry regiments that eventually became known as the United States Colored Troops (USCT). Nearly 175 regiments of over 178,000 free men and former slaves served during the last two years of the war.

What did Mississippi do in the Civil War? ›

Mississippi played a pivotal role in the war. The second state to secede from the Union, its secession resolution, like those of the other southern states, clearly stated that defense of slavery was its reason for leaving the Union.

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5th Infantry Regiment, organized in the spring of 1861, contained men from Pike, Amite, Lauderdale, Winston, Noxubee, and Kemper counteis. After serving in Florida it took an active part in the fight at Shiloh under General Chalmers.

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Ballentine's Cavalry Regiment [also called 2nd Partisan Rangers] was formed at Jackson, Mississippi, during the spring of 1862. It was assigned to Cosby's and F.C. Armstrong's Brigade, skirmished in various conflicts in Mississippi and Tennessee, then returned to Mississippi.

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The 3d U.S. Infantry, traditionally known as "The Old Guard," is the oldest active-duty infantry unit in the Army, serving our nation since 1784.

What were the blacks called in the Civil War? ›

In May 1863, the War Department established the Bureau of Colored Troops for the purpose of recruiting African-American soldiers. These became the United States Colored Troops (USCT) and existing volunteer units were converted into USCT regiments.

What were black soldiers called during the Civil War? ›

United States Colored Troops (USCT) were Union Army regiments during the American Civil War that primarily comprised African Americans, with soldiers from other ethnic groups also serving in USCT units.

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The 54th Massachusetts Regiment, the first regiment of African Americans from the North to serve during the Civil War, bravely assaulted Battery Wagner in Charleston Harbor. Their bravery increased Northern efforts to enlist African Americans.

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Noted for its excellent discipline, ferocity in battle, and extraordinarily strong morale, the Iron Brigade suffered 1,131 men killed out of 7,257 total enlistments: the highest percentage of loss suffered by any brigade in the United States Army during the war.

Where did most Civil War battles take place in Mississippi? ›

It saw its land ripped apart by battles that swept from Corinth in its northeast corner to the banks of the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson and Natchez, and all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, where Fort Massachusetts stood guard on Ship Island.

What city was the main target of the US Army in MS? ›

In October 1862, Vicksburg became the focus of military operations for Maj. General Ulysses S. Grant who was ordered to clear the Mississippi of Confederate resistance, and Lt.

What is the 7th Mississippi infantry? ›

Overview: 7th Infantry Battalion was organized during the early spring of 1862 near Quitman, Mississippi. After participating in the conflict at Corinth the unit was assigned to Hebert's Brigade, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, and was captured when Vicksburg fell.

What was the 4th regiment Mississippi Cavalry? ›

4th Cavalry Regiment [also called 4th Battalion] was organized during the fall of 1862 by consolidating Hughes' and Stockdale's Mississippi Cavalry Battalions. The unit was assigned to W. Adams', Mabry's, Starke's Brigade and fought the Federals in Tennessee and Mississippi.

What is the nickname for the 5th Infantry Division? ›

The 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)—nicknamed the "Red Diamond", or the "Red Devils" —was an infantry division of the United States Army that served in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War, and with NATO and the U.S. Army III Corps.

What was the 2nd regiment of mounted rifles? ›

2nd Regiment Mounted Rifles was organized by J. McIntosh at Osage Prairie, near Bentonville, Arkansas, in July, 1861. It was formed with 662 officers and men, but in January, 1862, there were 820 present. The unit fought at Wilson's Creek and Elkhorn Tavern, then was dismounted.

What was the 2nd SC regiment Revolutionary war? ›

The 2nd South Carolina was organized in summer 1775 at Charleston to consist of ten companies from eastern South Carolina. On Nov. 4, 1775, it was adopted into the Continental Army and assigned to Southern Department. Until Francis Marion took over the command of the regiment on Sept.

What was the 1st Mississippi regiment? ›

Overview: 1st Infantry Regiment, 682 strong, completed its organization at Corinth, Mississippi, during the spring of 1861. The men were raised in the counties of Marshall, Itawamba, De Soto, Panola, Lafayette, Tishomingo, and Smith.


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