DIY vinegar: Recipes for 16 flavored homemade vinegars, including raspberry, strawberry, tarragon & celery - Click Americana (2024)

Did you know that you can make your own vinegar at home? It’s very cheap to do — all you really need is some time, some containers, some juice, and these vintage vinegar recipes.

We’re not talking about just flavoring white vinegar by steeping it with something, but actually fermenting fruits and herbs until they turn into vinegar.

For instance, you can make your own apple cider vinegar, or use a bountiful harvest from a backyard fruit tree or a you-pick-em farm to create one or more uniquely flavorful vinegars that will make for amazing marinades and salad dressings.

These classic recipes from the 1910s will explain several ways to make delicious flavored homemade vinegars with an old-fashioned touch!

Vinegar is one of the condiments which every good cook regards as a necessity on her pantry shelves. Used with discretion, food to which it is added will be transformed into a relish and will give zest to an otherwise insipid meal.

The making of vinegar at home is a simple process, and not many years ago, was practiced by nearly everyone who could obtain the necessary fruit juice. With the present high price of vinegar, there has been a revival of this old household art. Those who have set up a vinegar keg or barrel secure a superior product, and at the same time, beat the old high cost of living.

Old-fashioned homemade vinegar recipes with fruits (from the 1910s)

Vinegar is usually made from apples, although grapes and oranges are also used to some extent. Certain other fruits, such as blackberries, figs, peaches, watermelons (after concentration of juice), sorghum and cane syrup have been used with good results.

Many wild fruits, such as the blackberry, elderberry and persimmon, which frequently are not completely or properly utilized, will make excellent vinegar.

As a matter of fact, any wholesome fruit or vegetable juice can be used for vinegar making, provided it contains sufficient sugar. Some fruits, such as the guava or Kiefler pear, contain only 5 to 8 percent sugar, which is not sufficient to make a strong, satisfactory vinegar.

Fruit used for making vinegar should be sound and fully ripe, for ripe fruit contains more sugar, and consequently produces a stronger vinegar. Partially-decayed fruit is no better for vinegar making than for eating, and should not be used.

Select sound, ripe fruit, wash thoroughly, and remove all decayed portions. Crush either in a machine made for this purpose, such as a cider mill, or for small quantities, a food chopper. Squeeze out the juice in a press and put into a clean barrel, keg or crock for fermentation.

Vintage vinegar recipes: 16 flavored homemade vinegars

Here are recipes to make your own fruit and herb vinegars at home, using foods such as raspberries, strawberries,cherries, pineapple,mint, onions, celery, tarragon and several others.


Six quarts water, six pounds sugar, and three quarts raspberry juice; stir until the sugar is dissolved. Then add two quarts of water to the berry pulp and one tablespoon and a half of yeast. Let stand until it is well worked up. Then add this to the other liquor [the raspberry/sugar mixture]. Strain and pour into vinegar cask. Ready for use in two or three months.


Stem one pint of cherries. Add one quart of good cider vinegar. Let boil for one minute after it comes to the boiling point. Turn into glass jars and let stand three weeks. Then strain and bottle. Be sure to use new corks.


Weigh the berries and add an equal weight of sugar. Mash, and to four quarts of berries add eight quarts of water. Then stand in a warm place. Let it ferment thoroughly and strain. Then bottle. Let stand four months before using.


To two gallons of orange pulp and juice add one quart of Florida syrup. [Editor’s note: From what we can tell, “Florida syrup” means cane sugar syrup.] Mother will form in about three weeks. Cover the jar with a thin cloth while fermenting.


Place the pineapple fruit in a crock. Sweeten as for preserving. Cover and allow to ferment, skimming often. The parings may also be used. Strain through flannel and bottle. Let stand four months.


Cook the pears, then mash and add sugar as for preserving. Skim often. When thoroughly fermented, strain and bottle. Ready for use in four months.

DIY vinegar: Recipes for 16 flavored homemade vinegars, including raspberry, strawberry, tarragon & celery - Click Americana (1)


Use wild grapes. Press out all juice and boil down to one-half the quantity. To four gallons of juice add one-half gallon molasses. Ferment by standing the crock in warm place. Strain after thoroughly fermenting and bottle. Keep in dark, cool place.


Wash the leaves, shake them dry, and place in bottle. Fill the bottle with vinegar. Let stand a month. Strain and seal tight. This vinegar is used for mutton salads.


Put a small bowl of molasses into a crock and pour over it nine times the quantity of boiling water. Let this stand until it is lukewarm. Then put in two quarts of clover blossoms and one cup yeast. Let this stand for three weeks. Then strain and bottle.


Peel onions and run them through the small knife of the meat grinder. Use enough onions to make a pint of pulp. Season a quart of vinegar with a teaspoon salt and two of sugar. Pour in the onion pulp. Let stand for five days. Then heat and strain through a fine sieve and cloth. Bottle and seal.


One teaspoon salt, one tablespoon sugar, and one-fourth cup celery cut up fine. Add a pint of boiling vinegar and boil one minute. Let stand two or three weeks shaking the jar or bottle often. Then strain and bottle.


Put one and three-fourths cup of celery seed into a two-quart jar or bottle. Fill with boiling vinegar. Shake every day for three weeks; then strain and bottle.


One and one-half cups of freshly-grated horseradish mixed with two tablespoons of sugar and two teaspoons salt. Pour over this one quart boiling cider vinegar. Let this stand ten days. Then strain and bottle.


Put these spices into a cheesecloth: two tablespoons chopped or minced parsley, thyme, mustard, and celery seed, and the same amount of sweet marjoram; then add one tablespoon of allspice, cloves, peppercorns, and mace. Cover with one quart of boiling cider vinegar. Let stand forty-eight hours and strain through cheesecloth. This vinegar may stand a day longer if it is not strongly flavored enough in two days.


Add four peppercorns and four cloves to two quarts of coarsely chopped tarragon leaves. Pour over these one and one-half quarts cider vinegar. Cover tightly and keep in a cool place. Strain in three weeks. Then bottle and cork tightly.


Gather enough perfect nasturtium pods to fill a quart jar. Cover with good cider vinegar. This may be used in three weeks after straining through a fine cloth. Nasturtium blossoms may also be used. A few peppercorns may be added, also a clove of garlic.

More tips & tricks for making vinegar at home

Great care should be taken to have all the utensils thoroughly cleaned, and to handle the fruit in a clean manner.

If old kegs or barrels, especially old vinegar barrels, are used, they should be cleaned thoroughly and all traces of the old vinegar removed. If this is not done, the old vinegar will interfere with the alcoholic fermentation and possibly spoil the product.

DIY vinegar: Recipes for 16 flavored homemade vinegars, including raspberry, strawberry, tarragon & celery - Click Americana (2)
Fermentation to make apple cider vinegar and other flavors

After the juice has been squeezed out, add a fresh yeast cake to every five gallons of juice. A good fermentation often results from chance inoculation with the wild yeast of the air. This is the method ordinarily followed in making cider vinegar.

Experiments have shown, however, that a much stronger vinegar can be made by using yeast to start the fermentation.

Work the yeast up thoroughly in about one-half cupful of the juice and add to the expressed juice, stirring thoroughly. Cover with a cloth to keep insects from it and allow it to ferment.

The best temperature for fermentation is between 80 and 90 degrees. Do not put it in a cold cellar, or the fermentation will be too slow. At 80 to 90 degrees, alcoholic fermentation will usually be complete in from three to four days to a week, or when “working” starts, as indicated by the cessation of bubbling.

The next step in the process is acetic acid fermentation, during which the alcohol is changed into acetic acid.

After the bubbling stops, it will be found advantageous to add some good strong vinegar in the proportion of one gallon of vinegar to three or four gallons of fermented juice.

Usually, however, no vinegar is added and the inoculation of the fermented juice with acetic acid bacteria is left to chance. This chance inoculation generally produces a more or less satisfactory product, but if the vinegar is added, the results are much better.

Instead of vinegar, one may add a good quantity of so-called “mother.” If “mother” is used, however, use only that growing on the surface of the vinegar. Vinegar “mother” which has fallen to the bottom is no longer producing acetic acid.

Editor’s note: A 1/4 ounce packet of dry yeast should work in place of a compressed yeast cake

Keep your homemade vinegar in a dark place

After adding the vinegar, cover with a cloth, and keep in a dark place between 70 and 90 degrees. Do not disturb the film that forms, for this is the true “mother” and does not exclude the air.

Taste the juice every week, and when it ceases to increase in acid, or is as sour as desired, siphon off and store in kegs or bottles.

Fill full and stopper tight. If this is not done, the acid will gradually disappear, and the vinegar will “turn to water.” The same bacteria that produces the acid will also destroy it if allowed to grow unhindered.

If the directions are followed, especially as regards temperature, the process will usually be completed in six weeks to two months, where only a few gallons of juice are used.

Many fruit juices are turbid after fermentation, while others, particularly apple vinegar, may clarify themselves spontaneously. One of the simplest ways of filtration to use in the home manufacture of vinegar is to thoroughly mix about a teaspoonful of fuller’s earth or animal charcoal with a quart of vinegar and filter through filter paper.

It is a common practice with many people to make household vinegar from fruit parings and cores, cold tea, and even from the water in which potatoes or other vegetables are boiled. Sugar, of course, is added, just as in the case of fruit juices that do not contain sufficient sugar.

DIY vinegar: Recipes for 16 flavored homemade vinegars, including raspberry, strawberry, tarragon & celery - Click Americana (2024)


How do you make your own flavored vinegar? ›

  1. Place your chosen flavor element in a clean 12-oz. ...
  2. Heat ¾ cup vinegar in a small saucepan over medium-high until just boiling. ...
  3. Cover, cool, and let macerate at room temperature 1 to 3 weeks.
  4. Strain the infused vinegar through a coffee filter into a clean jar, and store in the fridge for up to 3 months.
Oct 15, 2019

How long does homemade infused vinegar last? ›

You can start using the flavored vinegar after a few days, but for best results, allow it to sit for a couple weeks. It'll keep for up to 4–6 months—storing in the fridge prolongs the shelf life. Now that you've got the basics down, let's talk about what you can use to infuse. Peppers.

What fruit makes the best vinegar? ›

Ideally, fruit vinegar is best made from a juicy fruit. You can use whole pieces of fruit or even just the fruit juice. Apples, plums, peaches, even certain berries or grapes are fantastic for fruit vinegar. You can also make vinegar from drier fruit like pears or apricots, but it's best to cold press the juice first.

How do you make the best vinegar? ›

  1. Wash and rinse thoroughly the glass jar.
  2. Pour the wine, water, and vinegar into the jar. Mix well.
  3. Cover the jar with the cotton cloth. Secure with the rubber band.
  4. Let it stand at room temperature for 3 months.
  5. Taste. If you like the acidity, bottle. ...
  6. Use immediately, or age in bottle for a few more months.

What flavor cancels out vinegar? ›

- Add some sugar or honey to the dish. Sugar and honey can counteract the sourness of vinegar and add some sweetness to the dish. You can start with a small amount and adjust according to your taste.

How do you add flavor to vinegar? ›

Small fruits and vegetables may be halved or left whole; large ones may need to be sliced or cubed. Strawberries, raspberries, pears, peaches, and the peel of oranges or lemons enhance vinegar's taste and add color. Use the peel of one orange or lemon, or 1 to 2cups of fruit per pint of vinegar.

What herbs are good in vinegar? ›

Stronger herbs such as rosemary and thyme stand up well to cider or wine vinegar. Use white vinegar to take advantage of herbs that color the vinegar; opal basil, for example, turns vinegar pink or lavender, and borage flowers turn it blue.

Does fruit infused vinegar go bad? ›

The answer is no. Vinegar's shelf life is almost indefinite if it is stored properly. Due to it's high acidity, fruit vinegars are self-preserving and do not need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Do infused vinegars need to be refrigerated? ›

For Infused Vinegar

Once you've made them, infused vinegars can be safely kept in a cool, dark place for 2-3 months or refrigerated for 6-8 months. [Note: If someone has given you infused vinegar, and it has started bubbling, that means that it is fermenting.

What is the strongest vinegar? ›

Spirit vinegar: The strongest of all vinegars, this is used almost exclusively for pickling. It differs from distilled vinegar in that it contains a small quantity of alcohol.

How do you make homemade vinegar stronger? ›

Continue the vinegar fermentation by adding alcohol. By adding alcohol to a fermenting vinegar the final acidity of the fully fermented vinegar will be increased.

What is the most effective vinegar? ›

Vinegar is inexpensive, easy to obtain and environmentally friendly. Cleaning vinegar or white vinegar – not apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar – is most commonly chosen for cleaning.

What not to add to vinegar? ›

So, while you can use baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and bleach on their own for cleaning purposes, we recommend that you avoid mixing them with vinegar. However, if you have accidentally mixed either of these, it is best to dispose of the mix outside immediately.

What not to do with vinegar? ›

10 Things You Should Never Clean with Vinegar
  1. Anything That Contains Chlorine Bleach. ...
  2. Marble, Granite, and Other Natural Stone Surfaces. ...
  3. Grout. ...
  4. Stainless Steel. ...
  5. Waxed or Unfinished Wood. ...
  6. Cast Iron. ...
  7. Electronics. ...
  8. Rubber Gaskets and Hoses.
Nov 15, 2023

What is the most important ingredient of vinegar? ›

Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid and trace compounds that may include flavorings. Vinegar typically contains from 5% to 18% acetic acid by volume.

What herb is used to Flavour vinegar? ›

For herbed-vinegar, mint, basil, dill, oregano, chives and tarragon may all be used by themselves or in combinations. It is recommended to use three to four sprigs of fresh herbs or three tablespoons of dried herbs for each pint of vinegar. Flavorings such as berries, lemon peel or garlic may also be added.

How do you make synthetic vinegar at home? ›

Take 500 ml of RO water, add 2 tablespoons of Acidic Acid which is 25 ml of it and mix them. We add its almost 4 to 6% in it. Mix them using a plastic spoon. The synthetic vinegar is ready to use.

Can you make vinegar from other fruits? ›

Fruit vinegar is a type of vinegar made by fermenting fruit juices. Apple cider vinegar may be the most well-known type, but fruit vinegars can also be made from mango, plum, berries, papaya, grapes, peaches, citrus fruits like oranges, and an array of other fruits.

Is drinking flavored vinegar good for you? ›

Fruit vinegar is also a great source of magnesium, which is an important part of your body's signaling system. Studies have shown that consuming enough magnesium may help lower the risk of cataracts, metabolic syndrome, migraines, and diabetes.


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