37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (2024)

Wondering how to use whey from making cheese or strained yogurt? Don’t pour it down the drain! Here are 28 different recipes and ideas for using whey.

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Types of whey

Whey is comprised of water, lactose, and whey proteins. The flavor and sourness varies depending on how it was made.

There are essentially three types:

  • Acid wheycomes from cheese made with citric acid or vinegar. It is very in high lactose (milk sugar) and is quite sour. It is not probiotic and cannot be used to make fermented foods.
  • Sweet wheyis a by-product of making firm cheese. Basically, any cheese that is cultured for less than 3 hours, will have sweet-tasting whey right after draining. After that, it becomes more acidic as the lactose is consumed by the Lacto-bacteria. Storing sweet whey in the fridge will slow the acidification, but only for about 12 hours. It is probiotic and lower in lactose.
  • Sour whey is sweet whey that is older than 12 hours or drained from cheeses that have a long culturing period. This includes Greek yogurt, kefir cheese, and cottage cheese. It is very acidic and low in lactose.

Here is how to use up leftover whey. I’ve divided it up by type since they each have their own unique properties.

Recipes and ideas for All types of whey

Soups and Stews

One of the best ways to use up leftover whey is as a broth. Replace up to 1/4 of the broth or water in a recipe with whey. It adds richness, protein, and tanginess that really brings out the flavors of the other ingredients.

Here are three soups that are specifically designed to use up leftover whey:

  1. Creamy vegetable soup
  2. Traditional minestrone
  3. Indian paneer soup

Other Dishes

  1. Homemade cheese sauce
  2. Risotto
  3. Mashed potatoes
  4. Scalloped potatoes
  5. Polenta or grits
  6. Millet
  7. Corn tortillas
  8. Waffles


Whey is perfect for any recipe that calls for buttermilk. It’s not as thick as buttermilk, so stick to recipes where the exact amount of liquid doesn’t matter. (It’s why I don’t recommend it for pancakes or biscuits).

Here are a few baked goods to try:

  1. Oatmeal muffins
  2. Apple coffee cake
  3. Soda bread
  4. Cornbread
  5. Flax seed crackers
  6. You can also use it instead of water in any quick-rise yeasted bread recipe. It adds a delicious sourdough-like flavor to the bread.


Whey can be used instead of water for all sorts of treats and desserts. Here are a few examples:

  1. Mango lassi
  2. Berry creamsicles
  3. Jello
  4. Lemon meringue pie

How to use cultured whey (Sweet or Sour)

For fermenting

Sweet or sour whey from making cultured cheese is full of Lacto bacteria. It is perfect for fermenting all sorts of things. Most grains, legumes, nuts, and vegetables will ferment faster with a starter.

Try making:

  1. Berry sauce
  2. Chia seed jam
  3. Relish
  4. Pickled onions
  5. Milk kefir sodas

Around the house

The probiotic culture is also useful around the house:

  1. Water your acid-loving plants (in particular, rhododendrons and blueberries).
  2. Presoak beans and grains to soften them before cooking. The acidity prevents the skin of the bean from breaking down, so it’s perfect for dishes like my black bean korma, but not recommended for hummus.
  3. Feed it to your dogs/pigs/chickens.
  4. Make a bubble bath. Add it when you fill your tub and it will bubble up! The probiotics are great for your skin.
  5. Add it to your compost pile (though only in limited amounts as too much acid or liquid isn’t recommended).

How to use sweet whey

As a drink

Fresh sweet whey from cheesemaking is actually quite sweet. My kids like to drink it straight or mix it into a yummy beverage.

It is really only sweet for the first few hours, so take a break from cleaning the kitchen and enjoy a beverage while your cheese finishes draining.

Here are a few drinks to enjoy!

  1. Hot chocolate
  2. Chai tea latte
  3. Ovaltine
  4. Smoothies!

Whey Cheeses

There are a few kinds of cheese that can be made from fresh sweet whey. So you need to make them right after finishing your first batch of cheese.

  1. Gjetost requires a large amount of whey
  2. Ricottacan be made from only a few cups of sweet whey.

Previous Post: « Farmhouse Cheese – A Hard Cheese Recipe

Next Post: Lemon and Whey Meringue Pie »

Reader Interactions


  1. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (6)Allen Marlow

    I have no access to sweet whey, but all the sour whey I could possibly want. Is there ANYTHING??? I can do with it? This whey, both cow and goat milk, is a byproduct of the fresh cheeses made in a local creamery. They all use starter bacteria, they all use rennet, but the whey is not considered sweet. Thanks in advance for any advice or help!


  2. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (10)Sabrina Meroli

    Hi! How long will whey keep in the fridge?


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (11)Emillie

      Whey is only sweet if it is the first 3 hours after fermenting. However, acid whey from cultured cheese or yogurt should last 2 weeks in the fridge because of the bacterial culture. If you made cheese with acid (lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid) then I would use the whey within 1 week.


  3. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (12)Linda

    Will it remain sweet if I immediately freeze the whey from making Greek yogurt? That way I am collecting enough to use.


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (13)Emillie

      Unfortunately, whey from Greek yogurt is always an acid whey since the yogurt has already cultured for more than 3 hours (and acidified). So you won’t be able to use it to make ricotta. However, you can freeze it for smoothies, soups and other uses. Enjoy!


  4. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (14)Anonymous

    Per Wikipedia, Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is a byproduct of the manufacture of cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. Sweet whey is a byproduct resulting from the manufacture of rennet types of hard cheese, like cheddar or Swiss cheese. Acid whey (also known as sour whey) is a byproduct brought out during the making of acid types of dairy products, such as cottage cheese or strained yogurt.

    You mentioned above that: Sweet whey is made from cultured dairy. This statement conflicts with what Wikipedia is saying. Can you please clarify. Thanks.


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (15)Emillie

      Hi, The difference between sweet whey and acid whey has been really hard to get across to readers. Mostly because a lot of people want to use their whey from Greek yogurt as sweet whey (when it isn’t.) 🙂

      Hard cheeses are also cultured, but what makes the whey sweet is that it is only a few hours old (including the culturing time.) Even whey from hard cheese becomes acidic over time, as the bacterial culture continues to eat up sugars and acidify the whey. Thus sweet whey will turn into acidic whey within less than 24 hours. I think Wikipedia is just giving an easy overview of the topic. Cheers!

  5. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (16)Sherrie Perry

    Can I use the whey from Greek Yogurt as a starter for sourdough bread?


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (17)Emillie

      Sorry… yogurt is just bacteria… sourdough bread needs a yeast-based culture. However you could use it for a quick soda bread: https://www.fermentingforfoodies.com/traditional-irish-soda-bread/


  6. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (18)David

    This what I have understood but I might be wrong. Cheese made with culture or without culture will have sweet whey as a byproduct if you curdle it with rennet. If you use some form of live culture it will in time convert to sour whey. If you only use live culture to curdle the milk you only produce sour whey. When using rennet the milk quickly curdles leaving insufficient time for the live culture to effect the balance of lactose in the why. Did I miss anything? Thanks


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (19)Emillie

      Yes, time is key to sweet versus sour whey. I get a lot of questions from people who make Greek yogurt and think that because they are using the whey right after draining that it is sweet. But whey from yogurt can never be sweet. 🙂


  7. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (20)Carole Smith

    I got whey when I meant to make butter milk by taking about a half cup of my previous batch, and maybe left it too long. It separated. So I strained it like you would for cheese. I ended up with a ricotto/cream cheese type cheese. And noticed that after I had refrigerated the whey it had a slightly slimy consistency to it. Is this normal? and ok to consume?


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (21)Emillie

      Hum, slightly slimy is unusual. Sometimes cultured whey can be thick due to the bacteria (or yeast from milk kefir). Milk that has gone off usually smells bad. So if it doesn’t smell bad, then you could give it a little taste, and if it doesn’t taste bad, it’s probably fine. Most likely just thick from the bacterial culture in your buttermilk. Good luck!


  8. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (22)Asher

    Soaking beans in acid would extend the cooking times. using baking soda instead, which is basic in ph, has the opposite effect.


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (23)Emillie Parrish

      Good point! I like to add baking soda to my beans when I’m planning to puree them because it breaks down the tough skin for an extra creamy bean (like in my hummus recipe). Acid prevents the skin from breaking down, so it’s good if you want to maintain the structure of the bean. (Like in a bean curry). Cheers!


  9. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (24)Cathy

    Used this to make mushroom risotto and also quinoa


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (25)Emillie Parrish

      Yum! I love whey risotto, but haven’t tried it with quinoa. Will do that with my next batch of cheese. 🙂


  10. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (26)Vanessa

    Any recommendations for what to make with keffir whey specifically?


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (27)Emillie Parrish

      I use it for baking and making sourdough like bread, etc. If you search the site for milk kefir, I’m sure you’ll plenty of recipes. 😉 Honestly, I make it all the time! Cheers, Emillie


  11. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (28)Sierra B

    Hi I made a cottage-like cheese from fresh whole milk and buttermilk. According to a recipe I was following I was supposed to add a tablespoon of vinegar towards the end which would result in larger curds. Does this mean I can no longer use this whey for fermentation?

    The recipe was 1 gallon fresh whole milk, 1 qt buttermilk and 1tbsp of white vinegar at the end. Thanks


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (29)Emillie Parrish

      If the whey was originally cultured with buttermilk (typical for cottage cheese) then it will be full of good cultures. However, adding vinegar will make it more acidic. So it won’t taste as nice in soups, baking, etc. The added vinegar is too little to stop fermentation. So no worries there! I make cottage cheese all the time but have never added vinegar. The milk should clabber just fine with buttermilk. If it doesn’t, then the buttermilk doesn’t have an active culture.

      Is the vinegar being used as an alternative to rennet (it’s not the same, but I don’t understand why it’s being added)? I have made my recipe without rennet, though I recommend using rennet because the yield is better: https://www.fermentingforfoodies.com/homemade-cottage-cheese/

      Cheers, Emillie


  12. 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (30)Sylvia

    hi, I make my own cottage cheese from cultured milk we call Maas in South Africa. the whey I use in baking and cooking. I was wondering if I could use the whey instead of milk when I make kefir? I have the milk scobie not the water scobie. thanks for all the extra ideas.


    • 37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (31)Emillie Parrish

      Hi Sylvia, Since Maas is made from cultured dairy, it will already have plenty of culture. If you wanted to drink it as a cultured beverage, you could! Don’t reculture it with kefir grains. You’ll risk contaminating the grains with the bacterial strains in Maas. Also, most of the lactose will have already been consumed, leaving very little for the kefir grains to eat.
      Cheers, Emillie


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37 Ways To Use Whey (Recipes & Tips!) (2024)


What to do with whey recipe? ›

Substitute whey in any baking recipe that calls for water (or even milk). Try it in fresh breads, cornbread, pancakes, waffles, muffins, biscuits, tortillas and more for a sour tang. *Also works with non-cultured whey from fresh cheeses. Use whey to soak whole grains, legumes and even ground flours.

Can you drink the whey from cheese making? ›

Add a little to your shakes and smoothies for a protein boost. Drink it Up! - The acidic tang of whey may be a bit of an acquired taste but I actually find it quite refreshing. Cultured whey has probiotics that can help balance the microflora in your gut as an extra bonus to the protein.

What is whey and how do you use it? ›

Whey protein is the protein from whey, the watery portion of milk that separates from the curds when making cheese. It is commonly used as a protein supplement. Whey protein might improve the nutrient content of the diet and also have effects on the immune system.

How long does whey last in the fridge? ›

Storing Whey

Whey has a long shelf life and can be stored in an air-tight container for 3-6 months in the refrigerator or freezer. If you are straining yogurt and your whey is cloudy and contains any yogurt solids, it will only last as long in the fridge as the yogurt, which is about 2 weeks.

What is the best thing to mix with whey? ›

If you're using our whey protein powder, shake 30 grams in a jar or shaker with 250mls of water, milk or nut milk. Voila! You have yourself a great tasting whey protein shake! You can also enjoy your whey protein powder by adding 30 grams into your oats, natural yoghurt or smoothie.

Is whey good for plants? ›

As stated, you would usually use whey on your acid-loving plants to change the pH. However, whey has some value as a fertilizer in itself. It actually has small quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (as well as calcium and magnesium).

What does whey taste like? ›

Unflavored fresh whey tastes a bit like plain yogurt—just very slightly sour with a real creaminess, despite its lack of any cream. Powdered supplements come in many flavors, such as vanilla, chocolate, coffee, banana, and berry.

Is whey healthy? ›

Wound healing: The amino acids in whey protein help repair skin and tissues from wounds or surgery. Weight gain and nutritional boost: People who need to gain weight can benefit from whey protein. It's also helpful if a person has a long-term illness and needs extra nutrition.

Can you cook rice in whey? ›

I use whey when making dough for dumplings, pastry or pancakes. Store your home-made soft cheese in whey. Use to soak grains, pulses and beans. If you have lots, use it to cook pasta and rice in for a lovely and creamy finish.

Is whey protein safe for the kidneys? ›

It increases the urinary volume, plasma urea content and urinary calcium excretion. In the longer run, whey protein can also overburden the kidneys leading to the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, when consuming whey protein, do not forget to increase your water and fibre intake to form a balance.

What does whey protein do to a woman's body? ›

Whey protein, one of the protein fractions of cow's milk, is a high-quality source of protein that can easily be supplemented in a women's diet. Some of these benefits include building lean body mass and bone mineral density, weight loss and satiety, and managing blood glucose levels and blood pressure.

Can I eat whey directly? ›

You can eat whey protein without mixing it with water, but I would recommend mixing it with something else like almond milk or juice. You could also add it to a smoothie or yogurt. Whey protein is a high-quality source of protein that contains all the essential amino acids your body needs.

What can I make with whey? ›

Awesome Uses for Whey
  • Substitute whey in any baking recipe that calls for water (or even milk). ...
  • Use whey to lacto-ferment vegetables, condiments, sauerkraut, chutneys, jams, etc. ...
  • Use whey to soak grains, Nourishing Traditions style. ...
  • Freeze it for later. ...
  • Use whey to cook pastas, potatoes, oatmeal, or rice.
Jun 16, 2011

Does whey go bad? ›

Though research suggests that whey protein has a shelf life of 9–19 months, many protein powder manufacturers list an expiration date of 2 years after production, which is likely made possible due to additives that extend shelf life.

What happens to leftover whey? ›

Uses for Sweet, Unsalted Whey

Make ricotta: True ricotta cheese is made from the whey that's left over from making mozzarella and other fresh cheeses. To make ricotta, the whey is heated often with fresh milk and citric acid. Then the curds are harvested.

What do farmers do with whey? ›

Whey management options

Feed for farm animals. Land application to fertilize agricultural crops. Treatment in an anaerobic digester (For more information, please visit EPA's website, http://www.epa.gov/agstar/anaerobic/ ), usually followed by land application to fertilize crops.

What can I do with the whey from my homemade yogurt? ›

Baked goods—from biscuits to sourdough pizza—easily absorb yogurt whey. It's an excellent substitute for Cultured Buttermilk, which has a similar consistency and tang. Yogurt whey, which is both salty and sweet, can also slip into savory dishes. The starch in potatoes readily soaks up yogurt whey.

Is it OK to cook whey? ›

The answer is that it's easier than you think. Whey protein is based on milk and can be treated as a basic ingredient in your stock cupboard – much like flour. It will go well in both cold and hot dishes (its healthy nutrients are not damaged by heating) – and both in savoury and sweet cooking.

What can I do with old whey protein? ›

If you notice any signs that your protein powder has gone bad, it's best to throw it out.


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.